Now, more than ever, we need empathy. For those around us in the world, our local communities, and also for the people we work with everyday. We’re living through a unique, global situation. The world is shutting down to contain the pandemic, flatten the curve, and to save lives. People are having to adapt to their personal situations – juggling families, pets, reduced amount of support, and work. As leaders and managers, where can we help?
Making people happy and giving the world more champions are part of our values and foundation, and that seems even more relevant today. We consider ourselves lucky that we get to make games for a living. It’s a privilege. And it’s in times like these that we feel it even more. Not only because we are bringing passion for football and gaming to our players, but we hope that we are bringing a little bit of entertainment to them that can help through these tough times.

We have always put our people first, and now we need to amplify that further by focussing on what really matters to them in this time of change, building resilience and showing the strength of a true team. You cannot count on what you have known in the past and what you are used to. We need to adapt, challenge, change, and accommodate different circumstances that individuals are facing.
One of the consequences of remote working is that many of us now are balancing our home lives, from having the kids at home 24/7, or caring for parents/grandparents, to partners battling for workspace and who is having ‘that’ conference call, or even considering those remote working and living alone. How do you accommodate all the different circumstances and challenges people face, tangible and mental. It’s unique for each of us.

By using learnings from other countries, we tried to be ahead of the curve, as a company and as a country. I’m proud of what Nordeus has done so far. We wanted to lead by example and motivate other companies, we hope we did and that it will make a difference. Nevertheless, a tough period is coming.
We continue to keep working, it’s important for our future, our players, and for those who rely on us. But we have to be aware that we all have unique circumstances. It’s impossible to be a full-time parent during the day, make sure your older family members are in isolation with everything they need, while also doing a full-time job. Work will come second, people first.
Nordeus has always been about people, about family, about community. It’s no different now. We will first think and act to make sure those around us are taken care of, and only then will we give our best to push the business forward. If that “best” means that some days we can’t work full hours, or we cannot work at all, then we will overcome that. We will come together, support each other on heavy workloads, learn new skills to help out, or just put our kids to work ;). However we do it, we are in this together.

We are lucky, and worked hard to create a business in a digital world. Together with our players across the globe, we made our business sustainable, but we acknowledge that it is not the same for everyone. We will not take our position for granted. Unfortunately, for many of our families, friends, and neighbors, both the pandemic and the economic shock will cause a lot of stress. So we encourage all to be kind to everyone. Multiply your empathy tenfold. If you can, support those who need it. If helping people around us means that we will not be able to work full hours, then so be it. Because we are in this together. We will find ways to support our community as a company as well. Because Nordeus is all about family.
Much love, look out for one another, and stay healthy,
Ivan, Milan, Toma, and Branko.